Friday, October 3, 2008

Yesterday . . .

I was telling people regarding my BAR Exam results: If I don't tell you I passed, please don't ask!

Today I am telling people regarding my BAR Exam results: I passed! I passed! I passed! I passed! I passed! ad nauseum ad infinitum . . .


Drina said...

YAY!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!

ignorant redneck said...

Most escellent! When are you running for Judge? We need a good, honest, conservative, Catholic Female Judge.

Then--it's on to the Senate, eventually, the White House.

No pressure, of course.

deb said...

You can't see me but I am giving standing up and clapping madly for you!!!

Sarah said...

Shucks! Thanks ya'll!

IR, give me a few years to get my feet wet and I'll get back to you! But if anyone is interested in supporting my campaign, I am more than happy to accept donations now! :>

Lola said...


God Bless and Keep Fighting the Good Fight!